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Students in the Primary School are permitted to visit the School Doctor at any time during the school day with teacher permission. Students from the Junior School will be accompanied where there is any possibility of risk to them as a consequence of their going alone, e.g. after a bang on the head.
All Students will return to class with a written note from the Doctor explaining their injury and treatment administered, which will be placed in the student planner so as to advise parents of accidents/ injuries that required the Doctor’s attention.
All staff is familiar with health and safety documentation, including fire evacuation procedures, for the school and are expected to report issues of health and safety as per the Staff Handbook.
. The school doctor will be doing a regular daily check for all students. Check for other health matter (lice, nails, etc…) will take place twice a month. In case the school doctor has any concerns, he/she will address a formal private letter to the parents.

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