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Healthy and safety
Healthy and safety
  • Students in Primary School are permitted to visit the School Doctor during the school day with teacher permission. Students from the Junior School will be accompanied where there is any possibility of risk to them due to their going alone, e.g., after a bang to the head.
  • All students will return to class with a written note from the Doctor explaining their injury and treatment administered. It will be placed in the student planner to advise parents of accidents/ injuries requiring the Doctor’s attention.
  • All Staff are familiar with health and safety documentation, including fire evacuation procedures, for the school and are expected to report health and safety issues.
  • . The school doctor will be doing a regular daily check for all students. Check for other health matters (lice, nails, etc.…) that will occur twice a month. If the school doctor has any concerns, he/she will address a formal private letter to the parents.



  • In an accident, the student will be sent to the school medical center for treatment.

  • The School Medical Centre is on the first floor. The School Doctor is in attendance from 8.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. (Sunday -Thursday).
  • Break-time is usually the best time for students to visit the School Doctor to avoid missing classes.


  • The P.E. Staff will deal with these until the Doctor arrives. If Staff is present, they will help by keeping everyone calm. Suppose it is deemed necessary to transport the student to the hospital. In that case, the parent or guardian will be called to collect the student while proper first aid techniques are utilized.
  • Suppose parents are not available and contact is not possible. In that case, the principal will decide to take the student to the hospital. He is the only person allowed to make that decision.


    Only the school doctor or her designated replacement is permitted to administer medication. Any medication sent to school will be given to the school doctor. A note must be written stating the dosage and frequency of the medicine to be delivered. If any of these procedures are not followed, the school reserves the right to refuse to administer medication.



  • Medical records on each child are confidential. 
  • Serious Injuries

  • If a student is injured and is capable of walking, he/she should be taken to the School Medical Centre. Depending upon the seriousness of the accident (to be determined by the member of Staff present or called to the accident) and the circumstances under which it occurred, he/she must be accompanied either by a student or a member of Staff. Staff will only administer First Aid if they are confident that they are doing the right thing. Suppose there is any doubt in the member of Staff’s mind. In that case, he/she should send for assistance either from the School Doctor or another suitably qualified person.

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